FileMaker 13.0v2 Fixes the FMP URL Protocol

FileMaker 13.0v2 shipped today. One of the things that got fixed was the FileMaker Pro URL protocol. Previously you could only use the URL protocol with FileMaker Go, or with FileMaker Pro hosted files.  If you wanted to talk to FileMaker Pro files that were local on...

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WaterMarking Photos with the FileMaker WebViewer

All our videos are HD. Please enjoy in full screen. 🙂 The FileMaker WebViewer is a powerful JavaScript Runtime engine.  If you know how to exchange data between the WebViewer and FileMaker you can do all sorts of cool things. In this video we...

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FileMaker Developer’s Conference 2014

FileMaker Developer’s Conference 2014

FileMaker Inc. just announced the 2014 Developers Conference.  I am proud to be presenting again this year.  My topic for this year is Modular Design. We will explore the newest tricks and tips for building reusable, sharable, maintainable chunks of FileMaker code. We...

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Syncing FileMaker with Transactions Video

This is part 3 of a video series on FileMaker Transactions.  It might be helpful to watch part 1 and part 2 first. But it's not required. In this video we took a look at why transactions are important to syncing FileMaker and FileMaker Go. We use...

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Simple FileMaker Transactions Video

This video is part 2 of a series on FileMaker Transactions. Part 1, titled "Fixing Slow FileMaker Reports" demonstrated one of the many reasons why transactions are an important part of building multi-user FileMaker apps.  In this video, we break...

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Fixing Slow FileMaker Reports

This video is part 1 in a series on FileMaker Transactions and why you should use them. In this video, we look at a slow FileMaker Report. The report is slow because it is based on unstored calculations. We look at a way to speed up the report,...

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Building Multi-User FileMaker Apps

Building Multi-User FileMaker Apps

Building Multi-User FileMaker Applications FileMaker is a great platform for building multi-user applications. It's easy to get started, but powerful enough to build applications that can run an entire business. One of the reasons it is so easy and powerful is that it...

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FileMaker Transactions

FileMaker Transactions

FileMaker Transactions Although it isn't talked about much, FileMaker does have solid support for database transactions. You can write scripts with full commit and rollback support, just like MySQL and most other Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). This is...

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Announcing Barcode Creator

Announcing Barcode Creator

Announcing Barcode Creator Geist Interactive is excited to release Barcode Creator v1.0 for FileMaker. Barcode Creator can generate 14 different types of barcodes — all without using plugins, fonts, or web services. It's pure, 100%, native FileMaker. It works on the...

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What Can WordPress Teach FileMaker?

WordPress is the dominant web platform on the planet.  It's ecosystem is orders of magnitude larger than FileMaker's. Clearly they are doing something right.  Is there anything that FileMaker and FileMaker Developers can learn from Wordpress's success? At first blush,...

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