Our QuickBooks Online connector product fmQBO is now called LedgerLink. It has lots of new features and security enhancements. Because of changes that are coming in 2019 and beyond we will need everyone to migrate to this version sometime in the next 6 to 12 months. Even though most people have a year to make this transition, we recognize that this might be inconvenient, so we are offering a package deal that includes a free year off LedgerLink and having us do the migration for you.
Whats New With LedgerLink
No More Plugin
First, there is no more need for the Base Elements plugin, and there is no locked code of any kind. Everything is open and available for you to see and learn from. Everything in LedgerLink is native FileMaker code.
More Built in Syncing Tables
We have built in sync support for many more Quickbooks Tables then before. The list of QBO tables that LedgerLink works with now includes: Items, Customers, Invoices, Terms, Tax Codes, Company Info, Tax Rates, Accounts, Preferences, Payment Methods, Payments, Classes, Departments, Bills, Estimates, Journal Entries, Purchase Orders, Vendors, SalesReceipts, and Attachments.
Credit Card Payments and ACH Withdrawals
LedgerLink has built in support for processing Credit Cards and making Bank withdrawals with Quickbooks Online Payment processing. Charging a Bank Account is free. Thats right zero processing fees. You just need to have Quickbooks Online Payments already enabled in your QuickBooks Online Account.
Developer Incentives
If you are a FileMaker Developer, it is now easy to purchase multiple LedgerLink connections that you can use with some or all of your customers. You get the ability to manage and control their access to LedgerLink features. Easily add value to all your custom FileMaker Applications
New Authentication
LedgerLink is is built using the latest QuickBooks authentication scheme based on OAuth. The older scheme used by fmQBO v1 and v2 will be phased out over time.
End of Life
fmQBO v1 will reach it’s end of life on Mar 31st, 2019. fmQBOv2 within 9 months after that. Both Intuit and FileMaker are pushing forward with new and important changes to their respective platforms, and we are trying to be as proactive as possible to help people prepare for whats coming. We recognize that this might present some difficulties for some people people. This is why we are giving such a long lead time and providing a service to perform the migrations for you. We hope that this helps everyone make the transition.
Can I Do the Migration Myself?
Yes, but there will be some manual work to do. If you have a working fmQBO integration most of the hard stuff has already been thought out. You will simply need to follow our integration instructions. If you were able to do it the first time, you should have no problem doing it this time. We’ll apply any unused time on your subscription to the new LedgerLink purchase.
If you would like us to do the migration for you see the next section.
Migration Offer: $2000 Off!
If you have Items, Customer, and Invoices in your system we will convert your system to the the new LedgerLink and give you a free year off the connection fee for LedgerLink for $3499. AND If you act before October 31 we’ll give you additional $1000 off bringing the cost down to just $2499.
Normally this work would require a 20 hour implementation package plus the license bringing the total regular price to $4500. If you act by October 31, 2018 you will get a $2000 savings.
If you act after the October 31st deadline you’ll still get a $1000 savings. You only need to put down a $500 dollar deposit to hold your special pricing. You do not need to have everything done by October 1st.
This offer is only good for customers with existing fmQBO integrations and only includes integrating Invoices, Customers and Items. If you have have other QuickBook entities we can provide an estimate for the cost of those additional entities. If you are new to LedgerLink/fmQBO we’ll be happy to provide you with custom integration services implementation package.
How To Get Your Special Offer.
Simply email us at support@geistinteractive.com and ask for the “LedgerLink Migration Package”. We’ll get you started from there.
For more information on LedgerLink, please visit the LedgerLink page.
Please email support@geistinteractive.com with any questions.