Seven years ago, my wife, Lori Peters and I started an experiment. We wondered if it would be possible to create an educational environment where the kids come first, where we could jettison the bureaucracy and red tape, and focus on what works. Could we find some way to keep the costs low and still pay the bills. It turns out we could, with a lot of help from you.

Dr Steve Yoshinaga, teaching chemistry at One Spark Acadmey
We started One Spark Academy that first year with seven students and four teachers. This year we have 58 students, and more than 10 teachers, and staff members. It’s our biggest year ever. We are getting so big that we need start thinking about a new building sometime in the not too distant future. In short, things are going really well. But we still need your help.
Geist Interactive continues to donate back office services and financing to One Spark, and each year we reach out to the FileMaker community and to our customers to ask them to consider donating to a worthy cause. If education is important to you, please consider giving to our end of year campaign. Your donation is tax deductible. Every little bit helps.
[av_button label=’Donate Now!’ link=’manually,–2′ link_target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue806′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=” av_uid=’av-6khg5cu’]
Thank you
Todd Geist
CEO, Geist Interactive
President, One Spark Academy.
For more info on the campaign please visit:–2
For more information about One Spark Academy, please visit our website.

Lori Peters, Founder, and Executive Director, with three students from our Mapping the World by Heart class.