I have been working on building some Rich UIs for FileMaker using the Rector Plugin from Digital Fusion. I really like this plugin. It lets me do just about anything I want with FileMaker Web Viewers. In this little example video, I show off a custom login screen built with JQuery, Uni-form, and Reactor.
I love the way Reactor lets me package up my Web Widgets as an external function. This makes it simple to deploy and use. In this case I included support for 3 different themes. The theme that is used is determined by passing a parameter to the External Plugin funciton that I created using the BlackBoxBuilder that comes with Reactor Adv Developer license. It looks like this
LoginBox("blue") - displays the "blue" theme
LoginBox("dark") - displays the "dark" theme
LoginBox("") - displays the default theme.
I am using the FRToolBox.js javascript library that comes with Reactor to call FileMaker Scripts from within my web widget., and also to instruct the web app what to when a something happens in FileMaker by calling JavaScript functions that I have exposed as sort of an API.
To call a script in fileMaker from JavaScript you do something like this:
FRTB.script(scriptName, params).send()
where “scriptName” is the name of the FileMaker Script to run and “params” is the text string to pass to the script as Script Parameter. And to call A JavaScript function in the FileMAker Web Viewer from a FileMaker Calculation or Script you do something like this:
ReactorJSRun( "web" ; "fmLoginSuccess();" )
Where “web” is the Layout Object Name of the WebViewer and “fmLoginSuccess();” is the JavaScript function to call.
I also built in support for both CSS and JavaScript overrides to this BlackBox, so that tweaking styles and behaviors is possible without having to compile and deploy a new version of the Black Box.
I don’t mention it in the video, but the design and themes you see are all from @sprawsm the brains behind Uni-Form.
Here is a little movie showing it in action.
nice presentation, thanks!
I’ve downloaded frtoolbox and installed reactor. I have one question:
FRTB.script(scriptName, params).send() – documentation says “Run a FileMaker script, and pass a parameter. Does not return script result. Must be used in conjunction with a Database Name.”
I don’t understand where should I put Database Name, before scriptName or where?
Can you show me example of syntax for this function?
oh, never mind, I’ve figured out, what is the problem – function name is now FRTB_FMScript(…)
Documentation for Reactor is sometimes little confusing… best way is to look inside script.
But otherwise, this is a great plugin.
Thanks again for your article, which pointed me to the right direction.
Best regards!