For years I have been using a recursive custom function to get a list of all the Selected Tab Panels on a layout. This works quite well, but in my current project I wanted to get rid of all custom functions. I didn’t really want to use a looping script. I wanted a pure calculation that could do it. This is what I came up with.
Evaluate("List(¶" & Let( [ left = "Let(;Case(GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( tab ; "isFrontTabPanel" ) ; tab;""));"; tabs = Substitute( LayoutObjectNames ( Get( FileName ); Get( LayoutName ) ); ["<¶";""]; [">¶";""]; [">";""] ) ]; left & Substitute( tabs; "¶"; right & "¶" & left ) & right ) &"¶)" )
This seems to work pretty well.
Apologies, the download file has gone missing.